Author Archive: Jan (KD7ZWV)
Basic Topics Meeting – 5 May 2022 – Shakeout Followup and Preparedness
Not your typical meeting on the "Revenge of the Fifth," but some interesting and useful information for our basic topics class this month. We started with a review of the Shakeout and SAFE Neighborhood programs, along with our analysis of the club's participation in the Shakeout. We followed up by moving into a discussion on preparedness, including reviewing Murray City Fire Department's resources. Finally, we finished by watching a video produced by the Bountiful Emergency Preparedness group where they analyzed the Marshall fire in Colorado and discussed what is right and wrong about our emergency kits. Several really good factors on preparedness were presented.
Here's the recording of the first part of the meeting:
Here's the recording of the Bountiful CERT presentation:
And here are some links as mentioned in the meeting:
Utah Shakeout!
Once again, it is time for the Great Utah Shakeout! This annual event is primarily geared towards local government and businesses to talk about, evaluate, and test their response to a large earthquake event.
The event will be taking place on this coming Thursday, 21 April 2022, and the simulated earthquake will happen around 10:15-10:21 AM MDT.
What are we doing as a club? We have distributed a signup form for people interested in participating in the event, but as it is a work day, a lot of our members will be unable to participate. Given the lack of interested people, we are just asking people to familiarize themselves with the club eComms Protocol, which details the actions that should be taken in the event of an actual emergency. If you can, also please visit your S.A.F.E. Neighborhood location (i.e. your local elementary school) and check in with the staff there to make sure they know where their S.A.F.E Neighborhood J.I.T. (Just In Time) kit is, what it's for, and how to access it. It would also be a good idea to review your own personal 72-hour kit (or check out the recommended items for a 96-hour kit from the S.A.F.E Neighborhood program).
Don't remember what the S.A.F.E. Neighborhood program is? Review our class on it.
Remember, the action items for Thursday (if you can) are to turn on your radios at 10:15 AM on the 21st. Tune in to the club repeater at 223.96 MHz (PL 103.5 Hz) or the ARES assigned simplex frequency for Murray City at 147.600 MHz (no tone). See the eComms Protocol page for details and the standard load channels. Join the net if there is one in operation or start it if no one else is there. Some time during the day, visit your S.A.F.E. Neighborhood school and ask them if they know where their J.I.T. kit is and what they are supposed to do with it. Ask to see it! Report your findings.
Advanced Topics Class – 14 April 2022 – Remote Base Operations
If you were unable to join us for the meeting on the 14th, you missed out on a great presentation by Gary (KK7DV) on Remote Base radio operations. Sadly, I forgot to hit the "record" button on the Zoom session, so if you missed it, you really missed it.
Gary talked to us about the remote base setup operated by UARC at Leamington Pass Canyon down near Delta, UT. He went into the details on the radios and antennas at the site, which is located at an old AT&T microwave relay facility (the microwave horn antennas are still there, although the equipment to use them is long gone). Gary talked about how the site connects to the internet (via a WiFi shot to a public ISP in Delta) and how the system is supported by a UPS.
After the talk and pictures, it was demo time! Gary connected to the Leamington system using the RCForb software (see the link for details) and was able to tune around, adjust the beam antenna's direction via a remote controlled rotator, and showed transmitting and receiving on multiple HF bands. He discussed some modifications that had to be made to the RCForb Server software in order to control the antenna rotator and to add the ability to select three antennas when the radio on site (a Kenwood TS-480) normally only has two antenna inputs. These modifications were facilitated by the RCForb software developers giving Gary access to the source code for the radio driver so he could add support for the custom hardware that is used to manage the additional antenna.
Gary also runs a remote base radio at his property in the Salt Lake valley, and he demoed that including accessing the Farnsworth 2m repeater and also made a contact with our own Chris (W7CHP) on 146.52 simplex!
Finally, Gary finished up by talking about the WebSDR setup in Corrine, UT (that we have covered in a previous meeting), indicating that these systems are great for exploring what is currently on the air.
Seriously, if you missed this one, you really missed out. Thanks, Gary, for the guest appearance at MARC!
Basic Topics Class – 7 April 2022 – Introduction to DMR
Cody (W3AMG) from Bridgecom Systems joined us via Zoom and talked to us about DMR (Digital Mobile Radio).
In the presentation, Chris (W7CHP) mentioned a codeplug, which can be downloaded here: AnyTone - MARC_878 v1.24 (04_07_2022).rdt (note, this is a zip file... you will need to unzip it after downloading and before importing into your codeplug management software).
You may also be interested in our earlier presentation on DMR here: Training Class - DMR and an earlier presentation on code plugs here: Monthly Meeting - DMR CodePlugs. These presentations were both from 2020.
Monthly Meeting – 16 March 2022 – Tactical Call Signs
Slides are available here: Tactical Call Signs.
Advanced Class 10 March 2022, HamSci: Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation, Measuring the Ionosphere with Amateur Radio
For our advanced class in March 2022, we took advantage of a very good presentation given by RATPAC. The presentation was Ham Radio Science Citizen Investigation, Measuring the Ionosphere with Amateur Radio.
In the presentation, given by Dr. Nathaniel A. Frissell (W2NAF), who is a Space Physicist at the University of Scranton. Dr. Frissell discussed how space weather (by which we mean mostly solar output, flares, sunspots, etc.) affect the ionosphere layers and, by extension, HF communications. He first showed how existing ham radio resources, the Reverse Beacon Network, WSPRnet, and PSKreporter have been collecting information about propagation of radio waves and the condition of the ionosphere. He then discussed several projects that are in progress to allow ham radio operators to build/implement and operate their own personal space weather observatories, and how to contribute that information to scientific research.
This was a bit more advanced than many of the topics we have covered, but provided great insight into how the ionosphere works, how HF radio propagation works, and how space weather impacts our communications on the HF bands (and others).
While we did not record the class ourselves, this presentation, and all of the other RATPAC presentations, are available online for your viewing pleasure. See the links above for more information.
2022 Lesson/Class/Meeting Schedule
Meeting Type | Date | Topic | Instructor/Discussion Leader |
Basic Topics | 1/2/2025 | Back to Basics - One: the History of Amateur Radio | Jeff (KL7KVG) |
Advanced Topics | 1/9/2025 | AREDN Mesh Networking - Introduction | Jan (KD7ZWV) |
General Meeting | 1/16/2025 | Winter Field Day | RATPAC |
Basic Topics | 2/6/2025 | Back to Basics - Two: Basic VHF/UHF Operations | Jan (KD7ZWV) |
Advanced Topics | 2/13/2025 | AREDN Mesh Networking - Hardware Flashing Workshop | Jan (KD7ZWV) |
General Meeting | 2/20/2025 | ||
Basic Topics | 3/6/2025 | Back to Basics - Three: Language, Jargon, and How to Talk on the Radio | |
Advanced Topics | 3/13/2025 | AREDN Mesh Networking - Network Design Workshop | Jan (KD7ZWV) |
General Meeting | 3/20/2025 |
Mobile Radio Installs
Last week at our Basic Topics class, we went over a few mobile radio installations and talked about some of the tips, tricks, and gotchas when installing your radio in your vehicle.
I mentioned that I would be posting a Youtube playlist with a bunch of videos on mobile installs, so here it is!
As I find more videos that fit this list, I'll add them. If you have a video (or more than one) that you think should be on this playlist, add it as a comment below or send it to me via e-mail and I'll put it on.
New Club Mailing Lists
We are now using the mailing list manager to maintain the club members list and the club announcements list.
The members list is for all members of MARC. If you are a MARC member, you should join this list. You can join the list by visiting and entering your e-mail address. You will receive an e-mail instructing you to click the enclosed link to validate your e-mail address. Since this is a closed list, once you have done so, a message will be sent to the list admins to have your subscription approved. This may take up to 24 hours. Once you are approved, you will receive a message informing you that you have subscribed to the list.
The announcement list is open to all, but can only be posted to by list moderators. Posts sent to this list will advise about upcoming meetings and events of relevance to MARC. You do NOT need to be a member of MARC to join the announcement list. Join the list by visiting and entering your e-mail address. You will receive an e-mail instructing you to click the enclosed link to validate your address. Once you have done so, you will receive a message indicating that you have been subscribed to the list.
We have also set up a third list for the club education committee. If you are interested in teaching a class or in suggesting topics for future classes, you are welcome to join the education committee list. Join the list by visiting and entering your e-mail address. Any list member can post to this list and it is open to anyone who is interested in helping teach.
Please join the appropriate list(s) for your interest and participation. If you have suggestions for additional lists, please post them here as a comment or use the Contact Us form.