Flashing AREDN Firmware – AREDN Deep Dive 2 – Advanced Topics – 13 FEB 2025

Slides:  Flashing AREDN Firmware

AREDN Deep Dive 2

Links from this presentation:

Basic VHF/UHF Operation – Back to Basics 2 – Basic Topics – 6 FEB 2025

Jan (KD7ZWV) introduces some common VHF and UHF bands, talks about programming your radio(s), and about making contacts on the air.

Slides:  Basic VHF/UHF Operations

Basic VHF UHF Operations

Links from this presentation:

RATPAC – Radio Amateur Training Planning and Activities Committee

This evening, for our 3rd Thursday class, we watched a RATPAC presentation on Winter Field Day (view it here).  Dan asked me to make a special post about RATPAC and what it's about.

RATPAC was started in April 2020, at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, as a way to allow radio amateurs to access training even when clubs were not meeting in person.  A group of dedicated hams got together and recruited others to prepare and present on a variety of amateur radio related topics in several areas including Accessibility, Antennas, ARES, ARRL Issues, Beginners, Boat Anchors, Clubs, Contesting, CW, Digital Modes, DX, Education, EmComm, Field Operations, Fun, History, Innovation, Kits, Licensing, Nets, Networking, Operating, Portable, POTA, Public Relations, Public Service, Repeaters, Software, Space, Technical, Traffic, Winlink, and Youth.  RATPAC typically produces two sessions per week which are available on Zoom.  Sessions are recorded and saved on Youtube and the slides and chat logs are also available for download.

Dan (N7XDL) and Jan (KD7ZWV) have both given presentations to RATPAC, and Dan even served on their board for a time.

If you're interested in checking out RATPAC, their web site is https://www.ratpac.us/ and you can view a complete list of their training (and upcoming training) in the Google spreadsheet here:  RATPAC Schedule.

While some presentations are much better than others, RATPAC is an invaluable resource to amateur radio operators.  We urge you to check it out!

GMRS Communications in the Ham World

A while back, Dan presented on GMRS communications for SLCo ARES.  After our recent presentation on Tiered Communications Plans, I asked him if I could post it here for reference.  Of course he agreed, so here is the video of his presentation, followed by the slides and some other documents that were mentioned in the presentation.

Slides:  GMRS Communications in the Ham World

Gmrs communications in the ham world

IP Networking for Mesh Users – Advanced Topics – 14 NOV 2024

This was a long one, folks.  We went almost 50 minutes over our normal meeting time and I still don't think justice was done to the topic.  This class will be restructured as a three parter, with two parts dedicated to understanding networking concepts and how IP networking works, and a third part dedicated to AREDN networking.  Possibly a fourth part for packet radio and how IP networking works in the packet environment.  We'll have some discussions among the education committee and see what we can come up with.  Also, the IP part of this presentation likely will go over the head of most amateur operators.  More information is needed here and it needs to be simplified to the point that the average person who has been a ham for a while can follow along.

All that said, I did record the meeting and I want to give people a chance to review it.  You'll probably have questions... please ask them here on the MARC site and I'll try to answer them as I can.

Here's the recorded video:

Here are the slides:  IP Networking for Mesh

And here are the slides in-line so you can page through them right here:
