Thanks to the sponsorship of Murray City, Utah and the generous donations of our club members, the Murray Amateur Radio Club is pleased to announce that their 220 MHz repeater IS NOW ON THE AIR!
The repeater is located at the Murray City Animal Shelter and the antenna is installed on the 200 foot tower already present at that location (at about 180 feet). With this central location the repeater has excellent coverage of the entire Salt Lake valley. The repeater frequency has already been coordinated on 223.96 MHz with a PL of 103.5 Hz. Remember that on the 1.25m band all repeater offsets are negative 1.6 MHz, so configure your radio accordingly.
The antenna was installed and the repeater brought online on Thursday, 22 April 2021. It is listed on the Utah VHF Society's repeater list at
Here are some picture of the site, the tower, etc.

On 13 May for our club meeting several of us met at the repeater site to clean up the area. Here are some pics from the event: