Old Radios Slideshow

At our recent club meeting and potluck dinner, Gary Duhaine presented a short slideshow of some old radios he has collected over the years.  He also brought several of these old radio receivers in so we could look at them up close.  Please enjoy this slideshow featuring some of Gary's radios.


(Note, there were two versions of this slideshow, one of which had an audio component, but the audio component was extremely limited and also increased the size of the video by about fourteen times.  If we are able to get the correct audio component added to the video and get it sufficiently compressed, we will update this post with the new version.)

The “Phoneyetic” Alphabet

In our club meeting on 17 October 2019, we discussed the importance of using correct, concise terminology and language when relaying messages.  We are all familiar with the standard NATO phonetic alphabet as used in amateur radio... a copy of which is included here for your reference:


I present here a "humorous" version of the alphabet that I call "Phoneyetic"... you'll see why in a moment.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE, do not use this version of the alphabet on the air!



September 19th Meeting Success

Members of the Murray Amateur Radio Club participated this evening in an emergency services drill.  Assigned in groups of two radio operators, and equipped with either their own personal 1.25m band radios or radios provided by the Murray City Fire Department, members of the club dispersed to various locations around the city.  Arriving at their assigned locations, each team, using a tactical call sign, reported in to net control at the Murray EOC at station 83.  Each team was supplied with a simulated emergency condition which they reported to net control.

This exercise showed that the MARC members are capable of supporting Murray City in an emergency, passing messages from an on-scene incident commander in the event that normal communications channels are unavailable.  We demonstrated professionalism in our operations and followed our communications plan.

In other club actions, the membership ratified the new meeting schedule so it is an official club policy.  To reiterate, this is the three meetings a month schedule with the first meeting of the month devoted to Technician-related subjects, the second to General/HF-related subjects, and the third being the general monthly club meeting covering various subjects of interest to all.

If you haven't been to a club meeting lately, you should plan on joining us in October!

reCAPTCHA Added to Login and Register Screens

Due to a rash of spam account registrations (i.e. scripts trying to register for the site so they can post spammy comments on posts and pages), we have added a reCAPTCHA to the login and registration forms.  This will appear to you as shown here.

Simply click the box to confirm that you are a human.  In some cases (for example, your IP appears to have performed suspicious activity) you may be asked for further "easy for a human" activities such as identifying the contents of photographs.

eNIFOG and Other Related Apps

eNIFOGN7LCR (Ragnar) found some interesting cell phone apps... one of which being the eNIFOG (electronic National Interoperability Field Operations Guide).  The NIFOG is a listing of land mobile radio frequencies that are often used in disasters or other incidents where radio interoperability is required.  It also includes other information useful to emergency communicators.  The electronic version of this, eNIFOG, is an app that runs on Android or iOS (Apple) devices and contains all of the information in the physical document in an easily accessible and searchable format.

Google App Store (for Android)

Apple App Store (for iOS)

From those app store links,  you can find links to other related applications such as FEMA's reference app, The Red Cross's First Aid guide, and many many others.  We should all be taking full advantage of these tiny computers we carry with us in our pockets and purses every day.  These guides are designed to continue working even if the cellular network is down (they store the information directly on your device).