February 20th Meeting Venue Change

Don't forget, our February monthly meeting on the 20th will not be at the usual location.  We will be visiting the Salt Lake Crossroads Amateur Radio club which is meeting at the Glendale branch of the Salt Lake City Public Library.  This meeting will start at 7:00 PM at the library and we will be treated to a presentation on WinLink, a mechanism for sending "e-mail" messages using amateur radio.

If you have a laptop, bring it to the meeting and you will be shown how to install and configure the WinLink software and will be able to practice sending and receiving some messages (via the TELNET protocol over the Internet).  If you have a radio with a TNC, bring that too and we'll try to get it set up.

Check out our Monthly Meeting event for more details including where and when, and even a map to the location.

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